Australia (Part 1/5) - Victoria
SUNDAY, September 2, 2012
Melbourne - Arrival in a busy city
I Arrived this morning at 6am in Melbourne after another
Jet lag is still there and I hope I can sleep well this night. There are lots of teenagers outside drinking lots of beer and shouting while listening to loud music. Hopefully, it's getting better tomorrow!
Now I have to search details for tomorrow. Especially how to get around here and what I wanna see etc! Also I have to book a car for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, for my trip to the Great Ocean Road.
FRIDAY, September 7, 2012
Melbourne: First Impression
I got out on the street at 7am already and into the main city of Melbourne. Besides using the hop on-hop off bus, I walked again some kilometers and my conclusion is, that it is a very nice, big, but manageable city with good public transport connections! The more time I'm there, the more I like it. And I was stunning how many cultures are living here. So many Asian people. It's like Singapore. Unbelievable!
I'm happy that I can move out of this hostel by tomorrow. Its too noisy in here. I reserved already a car, which I will start driving to the south coast of Australia and visit the “twelve apostles” along the Great Ocean Road.
So I'm now lying in a hotel somewhere in Apollo Bay in southeast of Australia. It's straight at the coast beside the “great ocean road”. Originally I've planned to get further than just this place today, but I had several “circumstances” until I had the car. Time run me away! Yeah… stupid me… I got up at 7am again to make me on the way to the rental station. It took me about 45 minutes to get there and when I stood at the desk, the guy asked me about my driver's license. Exactly at this moment, I knew it…. What the hell am I thinking? Why am I so stupid? Why did I forget the driving license in the hotel? Damn!! So I had to walk back all the way and come back all the way with the license..! :D!! Well, at least the stunning view along the coast was great so far, even I didn’t see the best parts of the road yet. These will come tomorrow!
Now I have again to plan my schedule for tomorrow and later. I'm not sure yet if I should go back to Melbourne city by tomorrow evening…. Hmmm… I'll see!
Had some great days with impressive sceneries along the great ocean road. I already saw this road in pictures on the net, but as usual, when being are there by yourself and see this with your own eyes, then its ten levels more impressive. By yesterday evening I was back in Melbourne where I am now :D. Thankfully no accident happened to the car, even several times it was very close. They drive here on the left lane and two times, after breaks, I didn’t remember this again and drove on the right lane until through the junctions, where suddenly another car came across my lane..! However they are all friendly and took it with a smile and winked me ..:) ! Also entering the car is very “special” and I felt like a clown. As the steering wheel is on the right side, I guess every second time I wanted to get in my car, I entered it from the wrong side….haha!!
Today I was just roaming around in the city and made another tour with the tourist bus to the important sights in the city.

Im searching for car offers in Perth right now. I intend to buy a “very” old car with about 200k or more kilometers. And after the trip, I will sell it. So its anyway a better deal to buy and sell it, instead of renting a car, with which all the money will be gone afterward.
I contacted today someone in Perth who is selling a 4wd car with mattress and lots of camping gear inside. Probably I will take a look at it on Friday.
Today I've been to the beach in Melbourne which is called St. Kilda. But as it is still very cold, especially when no sun is shining. I walked around a lot again, talked to some locals and just enjoyed the day with several coffees!
And this evening I had for the first time a beef steak here in Australia. It was delicious but I don’t understand, why by the koala bears, i hardly anywhere can find anything else than French fries, which is always served with meat. It's always French fries, everywhere and everyone wants to sell French fries!!! I think tomorrow I'm going to cook by myself something with rice...
Want to visit every country in the South Pacific and Oceania? This is how to get to all of them.

Melbourne: Driving along the Southcoast

Now I have again to plan my schedule for tomorrow and later. I'm not sure yet if I should go back to Melbourne city by tomorrow evening…. Hmmm… I'll see!
Melbourne: The Great Ocean Road

Today I was just roaming around in the city and made another tour with the tourist bus to the important sights in the city.

Melbourne: Cold french fries

I contacted today someone in Perth who is selling a 4wd car with mattress and lots of camping gear inside. Probably I will take a look at it on Friday.
Today I've been to the beach in Melbourne which is called St. Kilda. But as it is still very cold, especially when no sun is shining. I walked around a lot again, talked to some locals and just enjoyed the day with several coffees!
And this evening I had for the first time a beef steak here in Australia. It was delicious but I don’t understand, why by the koala bears, i hardly anywhere can find anything else than French fries, which is always served with meat. It's always French fries, everywhere and everyone wants to sell French fries!!! I think tomorrow I'm going to cook by myself something with rice...
My route around Australia:
Want to visit every country in the South Pacific and Oceania? This is how to get to all of them.
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