How to visit the remote countries in Oceania?
As there is no airline or country which has connections to every single one of these South-Pacific countries, it requires a little bit of research and planning for visiting them.
So the main question I'd like to answer in this post is:
What is a feasible way to go visit them?
Except for the few connections between the countries and the far distances between them, there are other aspects that need to put a light on, like, minimum amount of time required but how to manage not spending too much time at one of these remote countries, which are the best months of the year, and last but not least, what amount of cash is required.Yes, there are many islands in that area but not all of them are own independent countries.
So I'll start with some geography first.
There are many islands in the south pacific and many of them belong to another country like New Zealand, France or the United States.
1. All Oceanian territories and countries:
AustraliaAmerican Samoa (United States)
Cook Islands (New Zealand)
French Polynesia (France)
Guam (United States)
Marshall Islands
New Zealand
New Caledonia (France)
Niue (New Zealand)
Norfolk Island (Australia)
Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands (United Kingdom)
Solomon Islands
Tokelau (New Zealand)
VanuatuWallis and Futuna (France)
2. Applying the UN Country Filter
From all these many islands nations are just a few own and independent countries and belonging to the UN. Which namely are:Australia
Marshall Islands
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
3. Selection for this post

already. That is the impediment with this post, I do not cover all countries in Oceania in here. Nevertheless, it might provide some information to fellow travelers anyway.
These are the countries that will be covered in this post:
Marshall Islands
My route
As I was traveling to some of them already some years ago, I didn't put them as a waypoint and go visit them again on the trip (wouldn't make much sense, even tho they are all wonderful).There is an article from Bill's Excellent Adventures about traveling the Oceania countries. When I was preparing for my trip, which took many months, almost up to a year, I regularly consulted his valuable information. Thanks Bill, that helped me a lot at the beginning of my plannings. However, for me, his suggestions were not sufficient in the end as he splits the countries into three different areas and therefore is meant to visit those countries on two different trips.
Also, as in this fast-paced world, some of the information was already outdated. At the end it didn't matter how valuable the information was, it didn't suit my schedule and itinerary and therefore had to come up with another breed, also because circumstances frequently change.
The scope of the trip
My plan was to visit Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Tuvalu, Tonga, Samoa.
These seven countries because, they are the only own and independent countries in Oceania which I haven't visited yet and when I do the effort and tackling the long flights from Europe to there, my intention was to visit all of them in one row.
Out of financing point of view, this is the best option, because traveling near that area of the planet is a costly and enduring thing.
How long in each of these countries?
The planning of this journey took me a lot of effort, as I wanted to visit them all in one row but with as much time as necessary to have a good amount of days in each of these countries.Means, I wanted to spend in each country between 2.5 and 6 days maximum, with the favorite of having in each country for about 3 days. Why?
1. Because I have only limited annual vacation and cannot simply spend two months on vacation.
2. All these countries are small, very small. I don't like the thought to spend one full week as a tourist in a place like Nauru or Kiribati or Tuvalu. Because a) there is not so much to do to fill one week with it and b) it is expensive!
After finalizing the scope the daunting work of finding appropriate flights started.
And this was my route I traveled in the month of May for 5 weeks:
0. Flying in to Fiji
1. To Kiribati
2. To Marshall Islands
3. FSM
4. Nauru (via Marshall Island and Kiribati)
5. Tonga (via Brisbane and Auckland)
6. Tuvalu
7. Samoa
Best time of the year

Airlines there are quicker than an eyelash when it comes to canceling flights.
From May to September is the best time to chose, whereas the best time is probably in May and June, as New Zealand and Australia are not having school vacations in these months and so airport are less busier and delays are less frequent.
How difficult are these countries to get to and in?
I never had to compare more flights for a journey that I had to on this. It's indeed a tricky thing to prepare and search out optimal flights to these countries when not having a huge amount of time for traveling there.Connections and combinations
There are not many flights to almost all of these countries. All in and outbound flights can be counted in maximum one hand. The distance between each of them is not to underestimate.But in total, I had to do about 500 flight searches to find out which country has a connection to another one and also to find out which place is the optimal landing base.
Yeah, I did probably much more flight searches than that and I better do not think too much about it, all I know it took me almost one year to find the best connections with a good combination of (cost/flight time/amount of visiting time).
The required amount of time (at least)
My goals were to visit those seven remaining countries in Oceania under the circumstance, that I don't need to spend too much of annual vacation but having enough days to have a GOOD stay for having lots of impressions.So I didn't want to touch down in one country and then the next day already depart again - no that would be a waste of time and money as well. The best that I found would be, as a few amounts of weeks for the whole journey, but with at least 3 days in each country.
The shortest itinerary I was able to assemble was 4 weeks but that had the effect that I only had two days in Tonga. So I went for the (almost 5-week itinerary).
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to create an itinerary where I would not need to spend more than 4 days in one country. Out of comparing dozens of possible flight connections and travel dates, I ended up having a choice between an itinerary of staying 5 days in Nauru or staying 5 days in Micronesia. As Micronesia has much more to offer than Nauru for a tourist, I went for the Micro-Option.
Before showing and explaining the different options of routes on how to travel through these countries, I'm going to highlight some points to understand each of these countries international onward possibilities.
Country Descriptions and comparison
0. Fiji
It is going the be the hub of the whole journey. Fiji has the most in- and outbound connections and two international airports Nadi and Suva. There is no way of traveling through the south pacific without stop and go from Fiji. So its best not having any previous issues or banns in within that country :).1. Kiribati

Most of the "travel"-nationalities, or the nationalities that have money for traveling to such a place, can get an easy visa on arrival.

So Tarawa on the left the best place to go, to get in and out of Kiribati.
There are four countries which make it possible to fly to Tarawa in Kiribati. Unfortunately, all flights are operated by Nauru Airlines, no other airlines goes to Kiribati. I heard by May 2018 is a further flight from Tuvalu?
Tarawa in Kiribati is not an astonishing place to visit when having a typical south pacific paradise in mind with nice beach resorts and high-quality service. The beaches aren't nice for swimming (they're even dirty with trash) and it requires some good reasons why someone wants to travel to that place. Flights there are expensive and in- and outbound flights are only operated by one Airline with very few flights per week. Kiribati is definitely an obstacle in the planning due to lack of flights and that makes it a bit an annoying country :)
2. Marshall Islands

Convenient East-West United Airlines Island Hopper Flight
United Airlines has this Island Hopper route. The plane starts in Manila and hops over Palau, Guam and then after Chuuk (FSM), it lands in Pohnpei (FSM). It then continues (via Kosrae) to the Marshall Islands and finishes (via Kwajalein) in Honolulu. Easy to remember this one for the planning as it only flies three times a week from East to West and West to East.One Island of the Marshall Island is called Kwajalein and the Island Hopper lands there. However, as a normal tourist, it is not possible to enter the country via Kwajalein. When I started planning my schedule I had one option that brought me to the Marshall Islands with the Island Hopper coming from Honolulu and I had one plan of getting off the plane in Kwajalein. I'm glad I did some more research about Kwajalein as I soon found out it's a US military base only and no-one enters the country except when being a member of the US military.
The Marshall Island with the capital and airport in Majura is an important hub in this whole Oceania journey. As the airport in Majuro is the only place for getting a connection towards the south of Oceania.
3. Federated States of Micronesia

Pohnpei is the largest island in the FSM and also the most developed one. There is no dry season and it rains almost every day with an ugly mix of rain, sun and clouds.
The risk that your nationality cannot get a visa on arrival to enter the FSM, is very very low.

These are the only airlines but the good part in this, there is no other option to think about and therefore the decision which airline to take is taken easily by this circumstance.
Nauru Airlines is coming from the south via the Marshall Islands. Also its the ONLY airline that connects FSM and the Marshall Islands with the "south". Official Schedule from Nauru Airlines.
Based on the fact that FSM is on a frequently flown route by United Airlines and Nauru Airlines, and the fact that almost no-one needs a visa prior arrival, I would say getting to the FSM is EASY! (But be prepared for getting dragged off a plane in the United Airlines).
4. Nauru
The third smallest country in the world comes right after the Vatican and Monaco in sizing matters. With around 200-300 tourists per year its also one of the least visited country in the world.Not to forget obtaining a Visa here prior arrival. ALL countries (except for Israel ?!?) outside of Oceania need a visa prior Arrival.
Its a good idea NOT planning a trip to Nauru between November to February as its high season for cyclones that time. As there is only one Airline that flies to Nauru, it's not a big pleasure being stranded there because this only Airline does not like to fly through cyclones.
The agony of choice regarding flights is not existent. With only Nauru Airlines its easy to find a flight :). On the schedule, the flown route looks easy, but in reality, the complexity can increase quickly. As there are very limited flights and when there is a flight, the plane does not just fly from A to B and back to A, but instead flies from A to B to C to D to E and a day later all the way back.
5. Tonga

There are quite a few options for getting there without too much hassle. With lots of connections from Fiji, both Suva and Nadi, flights from Sydney, Auckland, or all the way from Honolulu.
Amount of days spending in Tonga can be adjusted easily as there are enough options of flying in and out. The challenge just starts when the other countries during the journey are directing and consuming the number of days all for their own and Tonga soon will leave behind in the itinerary, then it can become to another tricky situation when striving for a seamless itinerary without too much stop over time in Fiji.
What I was surprised about was, that there are almost no flights between Samoa and Tonga.
6. Tuvalu

My goal was from the beginning of my plannings to fly into Tuvalu on Tuesday and out of it on Thursday. That was like a must have!
I didn't want to become stranded in the fourth smallest country of the world from Thursday all over the weekend until next Tuesday. Not even want to imagine the situation when the flight gets canceled and the island holiday in Tuvalu would get extended for a few days. So this must-have requirement was a tough one to fit into the itinerary.
7. Samoa

And if the question comes up if "American-Samoa is different than Samoa?" The quick answer is yes, American-Samoa is NOT the same as Samoa. Samoa is an own country, whereas American-Samoa belongs to the United States. Also, Samoans are the first every day who stand up to go working and American-Samoans are the last, as there is 24 hours time difference between those two countries, even tho only 30 minutes flight between them.
Flying in and out of Samoa from Fiji is not a problem as there are daily flights. Also from Honolulu is one flight per week.
These Countries compared
First I only compared the above 7 countries against each other in the following categories. Then I thought it's an easy thing to add the other countries (including Australia and New Zealand) into the graphics so that it provides some more information. Also it's easier when having, for example, a country like Australia to compare against.Expensive: How expensive are these countries to stay, eat, travel around?
Difficult: How difficult are these countries to get in and out?
, Scuba Diving: Is Scuba Diving possible, is it worth it, is it nice?
Things to do: Is there much to see and do and good to spend a lot of time in the country?
Yes, it's not cheap to travel in that area. But, I will not say that dump phrase "its just once in a lifetime", cause I heard that dumb phrase dozens of times already and everyone in every place tells me you should go and take a look at this site and that monument and that "its just once in a lifetime". Can someone tell me which of any sights on the world is not a "just once in a lifetime" sight when being on a vacation?So yes, it does cost money, especially when coming with long-haul flights from all the way from Europe over Fiji and then spread out to the different countries. The flights are rare, airlines have their monopoly. Distances are long between the countries. That makes it pricey.
Accommodation cannot be compared to affordable Asia. The amenities in the rooms are very basic but the prices like in a 4-5 star hotel. It has to be accepted as it is, pricey and better not think about it. However, thankfully there are not too many options to compare due to rarity.
The costs sum up quickly. Traveling from Europe an amount around USD >6000 needs to be calculated with.
What problems could arise (and how to minimize them)?
When talking about risks, a terrorist attack is definitely not meant here. Its far away from ISIS, probably ISIS doesn't even know about these countries :)But more like the circumstances of higher violence. And there is a lot of it that can make the whole schedule completely broken and not just the itinerary, but also the money wallet.
Getting around in that area is expensive in accommodation, food, and transport.
Delay or Cancelations of flights
Having one canceled or delayed flight could mean Game Over for the whole itinerary, and that risk is much higher than more than in many other places.In the Oceania area are often just a few flights per week to one place. Means, when one flight gets canceled or delayed, it probably means there is a heavy cyclone around or an airline has a broken plane. And as these airlines in the area do not have spare planes available, one defective plane could quickly end in a delay of many days (or even weeks). When that happens, the chance to catch the successor plane connections on the journey is dramatically low and that leads to a dead end where all further flights wouldn't be able to reach anymore.
How to avoid or minimize?
-Pray for nice weather and quality mechanical parts in airplanes.
-Fitting in some spare days in one place, unfortunately, is a bad idea, as the problem could arise in any place and affect any of these airlines and not just in one or two specific countries or airlines of these.
-Go when the weather is supposed to be calm in average and out of cyclone season, which is from May to September.
Most of these countries don't have the opportunity to exchange currency and I would not bet on the always-on availability of the ATM's, in case they even have something like an ATM in remote areas of some islands.Calculating and exchanging cash beforehand can be a tricky task as well, but I would not want to run out of money in such a place.
How to avoid or minimize?
- Bring enough USD and AUD. These are the currency used there or preferred for exchange.
Tsunami and Earthquakes

It doesn't even need to be something severe. A small earthquake can cause damage to infrastructure and when infrastructure is damaged, it easily can affect the airport, and then its already a problem.
How to avoid or minimize?
- Not going there
Plane crash
As far as my researches go, I found out that there haven't been any drastic crashes or plane accidents. The airlines in these areas might easily cancel or delay a flight, maybe just because a bird has shit on the landing scope or a mosquito cause to much wind. But, at least their highest priority is to have a fully functional airplane before they depart.How to avoid or minimize?
- When afraid of a plane crash, surely a ship can be used for traveling there.
there is a direct flight between tuvalu and kiribati as well as between Tonga/Samoa/American Samoa. If coming from North America you would get off the Island Hopper at Pohnpei or Marshall Islands and head south via Air Nuaru and aim to get to Fiji. From there you can do a loop through Tonga and the Samoas back to Fiji (or the reverse). From Fiji you can also go from Tuvalu, Kiribati and Marshall Islands to catch the Island Hopper back to Hawaii. So directly across from Hawaii, then down from Marshalls to Fiji via Nuaru. A circular trip through Tonga and the Samoas and then Nadi back up to Marshall Islands. So its possible to link the Island Hopper trip as far through as Palau to a southern loop from Marshalls back to the Marshalls, with a side loop from Fiji through the Samoas/tonga. The "Hub" air ports for this are Marshall Islands and Nadi Fiji.
ReplyDeleteComing from the South (eg NZ or Aus) it makes sense to go first to either Fiji, or to Tonga or Samoa and make your way to Fiji. You can fly up to the Marshalls either via Nuaru or via Tuvalu & Kiribas. Do the Island Hopper through to Palau and on your way back do the reverse leg of that big loop.
Airlines you would/could use for this type of trip include United, Air Nuaru, Air Fiji, Talofa Airlines, Real Tongan, Samoan Airlines Air Kiribati (this one links Tuvalu with Kiribati, Air Fiji flies up to Tuvalu)
ReplyDeleteGenial. An dieser Planung war/bin ich auch gerade dran. :) Bookmarked!
ReplyDeleteGreat research and great trip (I'm sure it was). I was trying to cover few of them as part of the OZ & NZ trip and then gave up due to lack of time... Next time :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting Information, thanks! But one critical comment maybe allowed: I am a passionate traveller and like to see new places too, which includes exploring new countries. But I don't share this attitude of "seeing as many countries as possible". It seems that the main goal is counting countries. Why? Why is a place on earth more worthwile to visit just because their inhabitants suceeded to be independent? What happens is that "Kiribati is an annoying country": You must go because you have that inner need to count countries, but actually you would prefer to go somewhere else. What a waste of life time! People who think like that would panic if, let's say, a hundred other Islands in the world would suddenly declare their independency: Shit, I must go! The same place on earth that before was absolutely boring would suddenly become the place to be. Just because of a law decision, paper work. For me, travelling is something different than counting countries. It is a very capitalistic, western way of thinking: I have been to more countries than the others. Whereas other capitalistic people count jewels, clocks or cars, the capitalistic traveller counts countries. Let's be honest: In the end of days, no one is interested in how many country one has been to. Really, no one. It is a useless ambition. I want to have a great time when travelling, to get inspired, to grow as person, to make new experiences, to create new wonderful memories. Just counting records would make me think at the end of days that I have wasted time.
ReplyDeleteBut in spite of this, it is a useful article, because I would like to travel this part of the world. But without the inner stress to see visit every country.
Thanks for your feedback, Michael. Really appreciate your opinion about travelling, and that you like to create new wonderful memories, make new experiences and grow as person. I think we have more common than you think cause I also like creating new wonderful memories and make new experiences and grow as a person - and I can do that every single day during my travels. It only seems we both have a bit a different style of travelling and I think thats fine to have different ambitions during travelling.
DeleteBut dont we all have just a limited vacation every year? So you maybe prefer to spend, lets say, 10 days in one country. But I like to spend the 10 days in 2 countries. Is that bad when I move on after 5 days and instead of exploring 1 country during the given time of vacation? As you know there are indeed many countries which are worth it spending several weeks or even months, and I did that and will do that in the future when the country is interesting for me (have already a big shortlist with many countries that Im going to visit/revisit and spend a long time there because they are absolutely worth it to spend more time there:D). But then there are some countries which are not that spectacular to spend much more than a few days. I think its fair to say that we both enjoy the given time in same amount during vacation - just in different ways.
Wish you happy travelling!;)
I appreciate the time that went into this. I'm visiting every country in the world (some people apparently don't like that), and the South Pacific hard to reach fruit has been eluding me for quite some time. I used Fiji Airways and Air Niugini and Honolulu and Nadi as a hub to do Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands and a stop in Kiribati. I'll be doing a little repeat in Hawaii and Fiji, but it could be worse, right? The price to get to Palau is ridiculous and I noticed that one is not on your list. I'm thinking of using Nauru airlines to do the other 4 I'll have left as a second trip. PNG was amazingly simple using a cruise from Australia and as you mentioned, Vanuatu and Fiji are easily done. As you mentioned, the flights are not often, so if you want direct flights, you might end up staying a week somewhere or just an hour. You weren't clear on whether you did that United Hopper, but it seems that you did get kicked off one of their flights (from the sarcastic lines). If that's the case, let's hear that story and add it as a
Looks like a great plan too that you have there. Regarding the United Hopper, I was solely joining them on the leg between Marshal Islands and Micronesia. Its a big pain when that Hopper has too much delays (like in my case) cause as you mentioned, either you stay in a place for a week or just an hour. Both options are not that comofortable when not having endless time.
DeleteI love your blog Sven. I think it's funny too...
ReplyDeleteI love your blogs Sven. It's funny too. Great job for expressing your opinion about each country...